eGames Lab Hosts First National Meeting in the Azores

eGames Lab Hosts First National Meeting in the Azores

The eGames Lab, Portugal’s premier video game research consortium, is set to host its First National Meeting on July 1st at TERINOV – Science and Technology Park on Terceira Island in the Azores. This landmark event signifies a major milestone for the consortium, which comprises 22 entities and is funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

The eGames Lab aims to establish a thriving video game industry cluster in Portugal, fostering a sustainable ecosystem that not only retains talent but also attracts foreign investment.

Key achievements of the eGames Lab include:

Pedro Cota, CEO of Solvit, one of the two companies based in the Azores alongside Redcatpig, emphasized the group’s progress: “We’ve just launched ‘Waste Rush’ and have several other games in production for international release on PC, consoles, and mobile. Our focus is on producing high-quality games to compete on the global stage.”

The eGames Lab is distinguished by its multidisciplinary approach, bringing together experts from fields such as design, psychology, audio, and music. This collaboration positions the lab as one of the largest research groups in the world, contributing significantly to the global gaming industry.

To further its research and development goals, the eGames Lab has established partnerships with several prestigious institutions, including:

These partnerships enhance the lab’s research activities and facilitate knowledge exchange and training opportunities for researchers and technicians.

For more in-depth coverage of the eGames Lab’s achievements and future plans, refer to the following articles:

As the eGames Lab continues to innovate and lead in the video game industry, this First National Meeting marks a pivotal moment in its journey towards shaping the future of gaming in Portugal and beyond.

© eGames Lab Portugal Consortium
© eGames Lab Portugal Consortium